Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient Spatial Autoregressive Mod
In this paper empirical likelihood(EL)-based inference for a semiparametric varying-coefficient spatial autoregressive m......
Empirical likelihood in generalized linear models with multivariate responses and working covari-ance matrix is discusse......
Empirical Likelihood of Quantile Difference with Missing Response When High-dimensional Covariates A
We,in this paper,investigate two-sample quantile difference by empirical likelihood method when the responses with high-......
We introduce RWPI(RobustWasserstein Profile Inference),a novel class of statistical tools which exploits connections bet......
Under-coverage has been a long-standing issue with the empirical likelihood confidence regions....
The estimation of high quantile plays an important role in risk management,because the prevalent risk measure VaR(value ......
Sample surveys are widely used to obtain information about totals,means,medians,and other parameters of finite populatio......
In analyzing longitudinal data,within-subject correlations are a major factor that affects statistical efficiency.Workin......
In this paper we develop empirical likelihood methods for analyzing public-use survey data that contain only the variabl......
Statistical inferences with empirical likelihood(EL)are appealing and effective especially in conjunction with estimatin......
Empirical likelihood for semiparametric varying coeffcient partially linear models with longitudinal
Semi varying coefficient partially linear model is a very inclusive semi parametric model,which contains the partially l......
This study develops and applies a portfolio construction method based on the Stochastic Dominance (SD) decision criterio......
In this paper,empirical likelihood is applied to the linear regression model with inequality constraints....
A test statistic based on an empirical likelihood,proposed for autoregressive models with the variance of errors scaled ......
In this paper we present a new type control chart for monitoring the mean of the process based on empirical likelihood r......
In this article, empirical likelihood inference for estimating equation with missing data is considered. Based on the we......
For complete observation and p-dimensional parameterθdefined by an estimation equation,empirical likelihood method of c......